Chop potatoes and cauliflower and steam them until soft.
In the meantime, chop onions and fry them in a frypan with a touch of olive oil. After a few minutes, add the balsamic vinegar to caramelise the onions.
Chop mushroom and add them to the onions, stir and cook until soft.
Place all ingredients in food processor and blend until well combined. You want the sauce to be liquid, not too thick or the gratin might turn out a bit dry after going through the oven.
Strain the cooked potatoes and cauliflower and place into a oven dish. Add the cooked onions and mushroom and mix well.
Spread evenly in dish.
Pour Bechamel to cover the vegetables, stirring a little so the sauce penetrates the potatoes. You can sprinkle some more nutritional yeast on top, it will turn godly 🙂
This is when my baby puts her fingers in it to try out the sauce…
Place in the oven at 180C for about 15min, checking the colour. You want the sauce to turn a bit godly and slightly thicker.
Enjoy with a green salad 🙂
Cook the tempeh in a fry pan with a bit of Coconut Oil.
Flip it until slightly godly on both sides. You can add some Organic Soy sauce (or Tamari) if you like.
Chop all the veggies in thin stripes, keep aside.
Make the sauce by combining all ingredients
In large bowl, pout some warm water and deep a sheet of rice paper. Place it wet on a plate and add the tempeh (cut in thin stripes too) and some veggies across the Rice paper sheet.
Add some sauce on top and roll the rice paper sheet around the veggies, it will stick to it self.
Repeat the process with the remaining sheets, veggies, tempeh and sauce.
Bon appétit!
If you are eating Acidic Foods such as:
Make sure to balance your diet with Alkaline Foods:
We love to sprinkle some of our Activated Living Blend for a crunchy touch of proteins and antioxidants.
This green smoothie is ideal to start your day!
You’ll feel satisfied and energised 🙂
Place cashews in food processor and turn them into very small pieces or powder.
Add the dried-fruit and let the food processor on until it forms a ball with the mixture.
You want the dried-fruit to bind the nuts together, use your hands to press them together!
Pour mixture into your cake mould and press down firmly and evenly.
Place in the freezer while you prepare the topping…
Put the berries (with their juice), banana, avocado and Maqui powder in (high-speed) food processor and blend until creamy. The mixture might be a bit too runny to set on the cake base…
Add the coconut flour, once spoon at a time, until the texture becomes “mousy”. You want it to hold for a few seconds in the bowl of the food processor if you tip it a bit.
You can add some coconut water (or plain water) if your topping became too dry…
Pour onto of your cold crust and place in the fridge (if you eat it within 2 days) or freezer.
I like to leave 1/2 of the cake in the freezer to eat it later 🙂
Leave it out for a bit before eating, it tastes better at room temperature than frozen…
Salads are so very nutritious!! Our body needs plenty of raw foods to fulfil its needs in vitamins and minerals. But I hear too many times that salad are boring 🙁
I believe that the secret behind a yummy salad is its dressing. Here are some ideas for you to play with and find how you most enjoy your greens 🙂
Bon Appetit!
I love this dressing for any kind of green salad or mixed veggies salads…
This thick and garlic-y sauce is awesome on spring rolls, tempeh, tofu or coriander salads!!
This refreshing dressing is great for Taboules or avocado salads
Put all ingredients into high-speed blender and blend until creamy. Put more or less water depending on what consistency you want.
I love to have this as a dip or with roasted veggies or home-made hot chips.
Put all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.
Awesome with home-made hot chips when you fell like “healthy junk food” 🙂
Make your own chocolate!! Healthy and easy recipe <3
Chocolate is usually based on 3 ingredients:
I am a chocolate addict 🙂 and don’t want to eat the chocolate from supermarkets, full of unhealthy sugars and fats.
I decided to make my own raw chocolate! After creating and experimenting with the ingredients, I got to a very, very good tasting chocolate 🙂
I’d like to share my recipe with you <3
Extras: Goji Berries, Almonds, Shredded coconut and/or Peppermint oil, etc
Gently melt the cacao butter in a Bain-Marie*
Once melted, turn the fire off and take the bowl out of the pot.
Add the coconut oil, stir.
Add your favourite sweetener, stir.
Add the cacao powder, stir well until combined (you can use a whisk or a fork).
Time to taste your chocolate: add more sweetener or more cacao to taste (I like my chocolate not too sweet, with a strong cacao taste).
You can stop here, pour the liquid chocolate into a mould and place it in the freezer (don’t forget to lick the bowl!)
You’ll have a beautiful dark chocolate ready in about 30 minutes 🙂
Crush the almonds by pressing them down with the side of a big knife.
In a cake mould, spread crushed almonds and goji berries (quantities to taste) and pour your liquid chocolate mixture on top (give it one more stir before pouring it).
Place it in the freezer, it will get hard and ready to eat in about 30 minutes.
Chop it with a big knife.
Keep it in the freezer or in the fridge.
Please share this recipe with your friends, let’s all eat healthy!
*Bain-marie: fill up a pot half way with water and place a bowl (ceramic or glass) on the water (/in contact with the water). Put the cacao butter in the bowl. With the stove at medium fire, the gentle heat will melt the cacao butter without burning/cooking it). This process can take a few minutes. ]]]
This is the best way for us chocolate addicts to control the quality of the ingredients and the amount of sugar our little treats contain.
Play with the quantities of cacao and sweetener until you find the ratio you most like!
Go crazy and try it with different extras: add peppermint oil or orange juice/zest or walnuts or shredded coconut, etc.)
I like to use half coconut oil and half cacao butter but you can use one or the other!
If only coconut oil, it will melt faster out of the freezer but will have a beautiful coconut taste 🙂
If you want individual little chocolates, use ice block moulds! You can place one goji berry or almond in each individual mould.
Also, you can replace the cacao powder by carob powder: less caffeine and naturally sweeter, it’s a great alternative. I like to mix them : 3/4 cacao and 1/4 carob…
You can also use coconut butter instead of coconut oil or cacao butter to make your chocolate.
To make coconut butter, blend shredded coconut in a high-speed blender until smooth and creamy…
This is how I like to have our Activated Caramalised onions Oregano Crackers 🙂
Spread the tahini on the cracker, then add all the vegetables as you like.
Healthy, crunchy and really pizza-like taste 🙂
Bon Appettit!
1.5 cups Organic Activated Almonds
Grind these first (not too fine, should be larger than a sultana)
Then add
1.5 cups Organic medjool dates (soft) or soak in warm water for 15 min and drain.
1/2 cup Organic Activated sunflower seeds
1.5 cups of Organic Fine coconut
2 tblsp Organic Maple Syrup
1 Tspn Organic Vanilla extract
1/2 Tspn Organic Cinnamon
Mix all ingredients in a strong blender (I use a Thermomix)
Press into a dish lined with organic baking paper
1 cup Organic Medjool Dates
1tblsp Organic Maple syrup
1 Tspn Organic Vanilla extract
Drizzle 100gr Organic Dark Chocolate over the top
Put into the fridge for 1-2 hours
In a bowl large enough for all your kale, make the dressing by mixing olive oil, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper. Add the
Tahini and stir until smooth (add more olive oil if the sauce is too dry, we want it runny)
“Peal” the kale leaves from the stem. The best way I’ve found to do this is by holding the kale at the bottom of the stem in one hand, then pinching the base of the leaf between thumb and index-finger and dragging towards to the tip…
While doing this, be sure to carefully inspect each leaf for dirt or insects–you’re likely to find some if your kale is organic 🙂
You can chop the leaves in half.
Mix your kale with the dressing until every leave is coated with the tahini sauce (I use my hands).
Spread the wet leaves on your dehydrator trays (on baking paper), they’ll shrink a lot so you can pack them nice and tight.
But don’t put them on top of each other or they won’t dry properly.
Set your dehydrator to 40 degrees for 8 hours. Your kale chips are ready when dry and very, very crunchy!
Store your kale chips in big glass jars or in well-sealed plastic containers… or eat them all straight away 🙂
Try it in your oven, at very low temperature (any temperature under 42 degrees preserves the enzymes of raw food =)) and with the fan on and the door slightly open so the air is circulating, the moisture will be free to get out.
Enjoy your kale chips at anytime of the day.
They are really awesome! They give you a truly healthy option when you feel like junk food =)
Kale is a powerful vegetable from the family of cruciferous, it’s packed with nutrients, most notably in vitamins K, A and B, and minerals with anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants known to slow the ageing process.
Cayenne pepper for it’s cardiovascular benefits and to boost immunity.
Sesame seeds (tahini) contain calcium and essential fatty acids.
Himalayan salt for minerals such as iodine <3
Super quick, warm and nourishing for winter 🙂
For 3 persons:
Put all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend until well combined.
Serve with a sprinkle of Cinnamon on top.
If it’s not hot enough for you, warm it a bit more in a pot after blending…
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